October Meeting — 2nd
The next Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 2 at Southcoast Church, 5814 Cathedral Oaks Road in Goleta. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month — no meetings in July, September and December. Visitors always welcome!
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month — no meetings in July, September and December. Visitors always welcome!
Garage Day — October 5
We will have a Garage Day at Robin and Aaron's, 376 MIramonte Ave, Montecito.
October 19th
Our October tour will be a tour at a Santa Barbara Airport Hangar.
November 6th
Our regular November meeting will be at Southcoast Church as usual at 7:00 pm. Chief of Police Kelly Gordon will be the speaker.
November 16th
Our November tour will be the famous Progressive Lunner. This is where we travel to various member's homes for the various courses—an event not to be missed.
December 7th
The annual Christmas Parade will be held at night on the 7th in Goleta. Get your cars ready!
December 8th
Our holiday dinner will be held at Mulligan's at the Santa Barbara Golf Club. 5:30 pm for no-host cocktails followed by dinner.